Lifestyle Services - Funding
Access to homecare funding
Funding varies from person to person and council to council. However, by carrying out a little research and utilising resources available to you, your options become clearer and easier to understand.

Where to Start
homecare is becoming a popular option.
You may presume that receiving homecare is beyond your own financial means; however, as more information about financing care becomes available to the public, homecare is becoming an increasingly popular option.
No matter what your funding route is, Homecare Services are here to offer a high standard, person-centred care. For the most up to date and accurate advice and information on funding, telephone our team on 0300 124 5004 and order today.
Lancashire County Council Funding
If you need homecare you may have to contribute towards the cost. The Lancashire County Council (LCC) will visit you to assess your needs and find out what support you need. If it is determined you may need homecare, a financial assessor will visit you and will work out how your care can be funded. A financial assessment will be completed to work out exactly what your contribution towards your care should be; this will be calculated according to strict legal guidelines. You may not be required to pay all of your income towards your care.
Continuing Healthcare
Continuing healthcare (CHC Funding) is arranged and funded by the NHS and is free care outside of the hospital; only available for people who need ongoing healthcare and who are eligible for it. To be eligible for NHS continuing healthcare you must be assessed as a “primary health need” and have a complex medical condition and substantial and ongoing care needs.
However, not everybody with a disability or long-term condition will be eligible. If you do not qualify for NHS continuing healthcare, but are assessed as having healthcare or nursing needs, you may still receive some care from the NHS.
Self-Directed Support
Self-directed support is focused on the person being in control of the support they need to live the life they choose. People are now able to self-direct their care or support in a number of different ways:
A direct payment – a direct payment is money that is paid directly to you so you can arrange your own support, another term for this is Individual Service Fund (ISR). This form of support will be Lancashire County Council’s preferred method of payment. This option will help promote choice, flexibility and maintain independence. Therefore you can choose exactly how your own care needs are met. We can, as providers manage the budget for you, the client; enabling detailed and complicated outcomes to be met in full.
A personal budget – is money that is available to someone who needs support. The money comes from their local authority services. The person controlling the budget should know how much money that they have for their support; be able to spend the money in ways and at times that make sense to them and know what outcomes must be achieved with the money. An individual budget – is money for support that could come from social services, the Independent Living Fund (ILF) or Supporting People.
A personal health budget – is a new concept from the Department of Health. The budget is an allocation of resources made to a person with an established health needs.
Respite Vouchers or Respite Card Payments
As you may know many carers can be in the form of family members or friends; and sometimes require a short break from their caring role. Therefore following a Care Assessment, carers may be offered “Respite Vouchers” or a card that has funds available for respite. These need to be issued by a social worker and everyone is entitled to an assesment. The vouchers arrive by post and are yellow and A4 in size and so sometimes called Yellow Vouchers. Each voucher is split into 4 slips, each worth 1 hour of homecare or through a day care setting; these can be spent all at once or broken down. It is your decision when and how often you use your vouchers which are valid for a 12 month period.
Speak to Our Carers Today
We are always available if you wish to talk to a member of staff and request further information.