Being a carer can be hard work, but it’s most definitely rewarding. Yes, it can be stressful and sometimes feel overwhelming. Planning ahead and being organised can make caring for your patient much less stressful. It also eliminates confusion and any wasted time.

Here are a few helpful tips to help stay on top of tasks and stay organised as a carer:

Use a Large Wall Calendar

Having a visibly clear wall calendar displayed in a prominent location will help you and your patient stay more organised because it will always be within your view.

Adding things such as appointments, birthdays, days out, and direct debit payments for bills will help you stay reminded of important events.

Gather All Paperwork Together

We recommend purchasing an accordion folder or a ring binder with organisational sections and placing your patient’s paperwork inside. Label each section and sort the letters and forms into an order that is easiest to find. The contents of the folder should include:

  • Hospital Letters
  • List of emergency contacts (Next of Kin, doctors, specialists, etc.)
  • A clear list of medications, the dosage, and what they are prescribed for

It is extremely important to store this binder in an easily accessible location in the home and have it clearly labelled in case of an emergency. That way, anyone else visiting or caring for your patient, whether this is a family member or doctor, can quickly refer to it if necessary.

List of Medical Supplies and Medications

One of the worst things that can happen while caring for your patient is running out of a certain medication or not being able to find a first aid kit. Keeping an updated list of supplies and making sure that you always have everything you need will ensure you are organised and prepared.

Keep An Updated To-Do List

Keeping a physical or digital to-do list nearby will help you and your patient remember and keep track of vital responsibilities and activities, errands, and personal appointments with friends or family.

Hopefully, some of the tips above will be able to help you with staying organised as a carer. Helping alleviate some of the stresses that can crop up. If you find yourself feeling very stressed check out our blog on ‘how to avoid carer burnout’.

At Lifestyle Homecare, we have a team of hard-working professionals who care for and support our patients. Always ensuring that their health and wellness are a priority. Find out more about our homecare services by visiting our website today.

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