With the cold weathers of Autumn and Winter quickly approaching, it can potentially put people at risk of serious health issues. As a person ages, they lose their body heat a lot quicker than they would’ve when they were younger.
It is vital to look after an elderly person during this time and at Lifestyle Homecare, we are going to give you some tips about how to prevent any alarming health risks and the process of preparing service users for the cold Winter.
Keeping Medicines Fully Stocked
The wintertime can raise a series of different illnesses for your patient. People who are battling conditions such as respiratory issues, thyroid imbalance, arthritis, asthma, and other serious illnesses must keep as warm as possible during this time of year as they will find it more difficult to keep warm.
By keeping a fully stocked medicine cabinet or box will ensure that you can combat any symptoms of illness. Make sure you have collected any prescriptions in stock, purchased painkillers, and so on. This will make it a lot easier to have the essentials when you have patients at home that need 24/7 care.
Balanced Diet and Exercise Routine
Having a healthy and balanced diet will help fight off any colds or flu. This is extremely important for an elderly person to have. Indoor exercise can be simple and good enough to keep healthy. It is free, and will get their blood pumping to keep them warm. Don’t forget to make sure your patient is hydrated and has lots of water to steer away from headaches, muscle cramping, tiredness, and more.
Dressing To Keep Warm
Making sure your patient is dressed in layered clothing to prevent them from feeling chilly. Try to keep your patient indoors as much as possible as their home will be warmer than the outdoors. Winter items such as:
- Thick coats
- Thick/fluffy socks
- Slippers
- Gloves
- Scarf/Snood
- Fleeces
- Dressing gown/indoor jacket with a hood
- Oodie/Snuddie: these are a newer way of keeping warm, they can be bought from most clothing places nowadays and they’re a thick poncho that acts as blanket. They also have pockets too!
Maintain The Temperature In The Room
The last tip we have today is maintaining the temperature in the patient’s home. You can do this by making sure doors are closed, making sure insulation has been fitted, keeping windows closed, and more. You must make sure that you maintain a good temperature as best as you can to keep the heat in and also saves money on bills which is a bonus!
Preparation can be key when it comes to avoiding health risks. By preparing service users for the cold winter, issues can be avoided before they even arise and together we can help to keep everyone safe as the temperature changes.
If you are looking for a trusted and reliable homecare service, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch today!