A learning disability or developmental disorder can have a profound impact on the way an individual processes information from the environment around them. This can have a significant affect on how this person understands social concepts, learns new skills, and communicates with other people. These impacts can make it more difficult for people with learning disabilities to live independently, complete daily tasks, or tackle complex challenges alone. Because of all of this, people with developmental disorders may require an extra degree of care or support.
Around 1.5 million people are confirmed to have a learning disability in the UK, but experts suggest that up to 25% of the global population may suffer from some form of developmental disorder or mental health condition. These disorders can be mild, moderate, severe, or profound, with the impact on one’s life equally rising in severity. Here is some guidance on supporting people with learning disabilities depending on their level of severity.
Mild learning disorders have minor impacts on the individual’s daily life, and usually someone with a mild learning disability can live independently with minor support for more complex challenges like finances and employment. Mostly, people with mild learning disabilities can support themselves and communicate their needs effectively.
Moderate learning disabilities have more of an impact on day-to-day activities than mild ones. While a person with a moderate learning disorder may be able to communicate well, they may struggle to express more complex emotions or needs. They may also require support with some daily tasks, especially those requiring a degree of organisation like paying bills on time or keeping the cupboards stocked with food.
A person with a severe learning disability may struggle with verbal communication, and sometimes will communicate using basic words or gestures. They may also have mobility needs or additional ongoing medical treatment and could require assistance in some aspects of daily living like cooking and cleaning.
Profound and Multiple Learning Disorder (PMLD)
A profound and multiple learning disability is usually a combination of a severe learning disability alongside other medical conditions or disorders. People with PMLD may have significant challenges communicating properly as they may struggle to express their needs or wants to others. They may have a limited ability to process information around them, and can require significant support looking after themselves.
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