Against all odds it has happened. British summer has arrived and it has done so with a vengeance. We all know how stifling the heat can be, especially here, and how important it is to stay cool when that weather spikes. There are a few easy ways to reach maximum coolness when it feels like you’ll never be cool again!
So we are going to give you some top tips to keep cool and to help keep that heat out of your home as much as possible and to keep your internal temperature liveable!
Top Tips To Keep Cool
- Close your curtains
It may sound odd, but we all know our brick houses don’t exactly cope well when it is warm outside. One way to stop the heat inside from surpassing that of the outside is to close your curtains/blinds during the day to stop the sun from heating each room. You can also hang towels over your windows if you don’t think your blinds are thick enough to save the temp.
- Cold damp towels
It can be very stressful trying to keep yourselves and others cool, especially helping the elderly, children or pets to keep cool when temperatures soar. Don’t use frozen pads etc instead pop some damp towels into the fridge to cool. Once they are suitably cold, lay them out inside a bin bag, cover them with a blanket and use them as a makeshift cooling mat to sit on/hold on their lap.
- Stay Hydrated
Of course when it gets hot, staying hydrated is really important for your well being. However, drinking too much water can make you unwell so make sure you are not over consuming to compensate for the heat. You can also space this out with things such as cordial, electrolyte sashays such as ‘Dioralyte’ or flat coke/sodas to maintain your electrolyte levels and keep you hydrated through the day.
- Ice pops are your best friend!
Everybody loves an ice pop and they can be a quick sure fire way to bring down your internal temperature fast when you need a bit of relief. Plus they taste yummy!
- Pimp that fan
As we know fans just push the air already in the room around and so it can feel like an impossible task to cool a hot room even armed with a fan. All you need to do is add something cold/frozen in front of the fan and the air being circulated should be much cooler than before. EG: Freeze an old carton of milk filled with water and sit it in front of the fan.
- Be Mindful when tanning
I know it is very exciting that we don’t have to get on a plane to get our tan on, but it is important that we don’t go wild and instead do it safely. Make sure to be applying and reapplying sunscreen at regular intervals throughout the day. Be drinking water if you are sitting in the sun for prolonged periods of time and don’t dismiss the importance of taking a break! Do make sure to be moving out of the sun periodically to avoid your chances of getting heat stroke.
- Keep it Loosey Goosey
The body’s defence mechanism to overheating is sweating and so wearing loose fitted clothing allows the body to do so efficiently and healthily. Try to also wear lighter colours and black insulates heat and so the darker the clothing the hotter you tend to get.
Warning Signs of Heatstroke
Heat stroke and heat exhaustion are both dangerous and to be avoided at all costs when it gets warm but how do you know the difference between the two?

If you do show signs of heat stroke it is very important that you ring 111 or 999 right away depending on how bad the situation is. Keep your eyes peeled for any signs of illness and stay safe in the midst of the heatwave.
So there you have it, a few top tips to keep cool during this surprise heatwave! Other than staying safe, enjoy the sun whilst it is around and I’m sure the whole of Britain will be smelling like BBQ by 8pm tonight! Happy Heatwave!
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